Saturday, March 30, 2013

Power of thinking positive

It's horrible but I am part of those people that think negative most of the day. I was self thought to be a little negative, I think it's called pessimistic but I'm not sure. When kid thinking neg about what may happen when around fam was the norm as there are a few bad seeds in the fam that their only job is to make your life miserable. I was able to stay ahead their JERK ways. But I'm older now and I believe that I can calm down and just think positive and forget those negative fam members that spend their time thinking of new ways to destroy others.
I'm going to try the positive thinking thing to see if in future I can think more positive than negative.
But I saw this television show that they did an interview to a person that suffer from cancer. She was saying that the power of positive does help.
Listening to her talk...
Here are the things I learn...
For two minutes, When you wake up the first thing you must do is say something positive and try to imagine positive things as great things that CAN happen today.
Every hour do the same thing think (imagine) more good positive things that CAN happen during that day.
Do this until it's time to go to sleep. Here for two minutes think of things that you are proud of your day. Then think of good ideas that CAN happen tomorrow.
Don't worry if negative things are happening behind while you are thinking of good things as positive thinking is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it will be to kick the butt of negative thinking and you will have more positive ideas than negative.
Step two is simple just increment your time of positive thinking to one more minute. You will see that soon you will be thinking positive one hour straight even when talking to negative people.
Remember to Add 1 min to your positive thinking until you CAN do it without being reminded that you need to take a five minute break to think positive.

In my opinion when doing 2 minutes and up, you should stop what you were doing as She said that you can take a five minute break and just think of great things, relax, and do nothing but for big numbers as when you see you CAN think positive more than 30 min do it while you work, sing, cook, washdishes, do laundry, people stop doing this because they have no time to stop and think positive things but remember if your mind is giving you negative thoughts all the time then you CAN give them a run for their money by adding your own positive ideas to the mix.

Write positive things on doors in and out, around mirrors, and im areas were you think negative things as this writings are reminders to be posotive.
Door exit: "i'm going to have a beautiful day where lots of positive things will happen."
Door enter: "I had a good day today... If Anything bad happen it can be fixed. I enter ready to keep going with a smile."

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