There are so many things that I didn't know one could do to help one self... here are a few things I learn during my time googling, tumblr, followpics..etc..
- When doing your nails, use Elmer's glue around your nail, let it dry, go paint your nails when finish just peel off the glue and no nail polish will be outside.
- For Dead Skin in Your Feet and for Cracked heels.. Use having shaving cream and Listerine. Mixed both and put them on your feet, wait 1 to 5 minutes and remove the mixture.
- To clean your pores and I recommend to do in all the face, just put Milk and Baking powder
- to get ride of black heads: half a lemon and 3 drops of pure honey.. rub the lemon on your face and nose and any area that you have blackheads (some people have them in their backs). Wait 5 minutes and rinse with COLD WATER ONLY. MUST WASH FACE PERFECTLY.
- Hair dandruff/itchiness: LISTERINE. The mouthwash kills off built-up bacteria and is best used on mild dandruff or itchiness caused by shampoo or oil. Warning Do Not Use Listerine on open lesions. How to use dab or spray it on, Straight to the Root advises. Put the mouthwash in a spray bottle and apply it to your hair. Do not dilute the Listerine -- always use it full strength.
- FOR ALL OVER BODY AND FACE: RUB Coconut Oil all over after every shower and after is said that it reduces cellulite, shrinks pores all over body and face, mends split ends, takes bags under the eyes, heals chap lips, and lengthenes eyelashes (i dont know about this one)
- If you suffer from pain try this.. you will be making your own bar of soap.. here are the ingredients. 1/3 cup coconut oil, 1/3 cup shea butter, cocoa butter or mango butter, 1/3 cup beeswax (can add an extra ounce or two if you want a thicker consistency, which leaves less lotion on the skin when used), 1 tablespoon of Menthol Crystals, 10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil and 1/2 tsp Arnica Oil (optional). Add more or less menthol for a more or less potent bar. REMEMBER, THE SOAP WILL BE WARM WHEN TOUCHING YOUR BODY.. THATS WHAT ITS GOING TO HELP WITH THE PAIN.
- FOR PETS: hair dandruff removal: 1 part vinegar, 2 part water, mix and put on pets affected area. Do this every day until the dog has no more Dandruff.. when you dont see the dandruff please do 1 to 3 times a week depending on your pet on how much it comes back and how fast.. remember this a for life treatment.
- For Pets: Fast and Easy Remedy to kill Fleas: use Dawn... for pets that can be shower, put DAWN (dish-washing dish soap) into the water.. soak the pet into the diluted water and massage into the entire body until you see the fleas start to appear.. wait! keep massaging the diluted dawn into their fur.. you will see a second batch of fleas appear.. now rinse the pet... trash the water and repeat until you don't see fleas on the water any more. Please be careful to lean the pet completely of the dawn diluted detergent as it can create a rash on them.
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