Being bullied as a kid does affect them in their adulthood.
A previous teacher use to encourage me to try but she didn't know that giving me plastic coins for good work in front of classmates would get the kids to call me RETARD and other offensive names. The teacher never asked them to please not to do that. I would cry myself to sleep wishing not to return the next day.
As a child I was bullied by the teacher in fourth grade. Being bullied by a teacher is horrible as they have the power to get the students to join the taunting and laugh at you while you cry by the nasty comments the teacher says. A specific thing I remember like it was happening now was when it was time to trade our homework (so another student grades your paper). As there was an uneven number of classmates then there was one student with no one to grade him/her paper and that was always me. I would beg kids to please take my paper but they would say "I already traded with someone else didnt you see that stupid.. oh here goes the cry baby". I could try to copy all the work on the board but i was not fast enough to copy the board and worst the teacher was so close that her body blocked part of the board. The result was that my homework was always wrong and the teacher would say give me. While grading she would comment out loud horrible things as I was a waist as I was so stupid and it was just faster to "X" the paper. I would think that death was the only way not have to return the next day.
On seventh-eight grade: having the same teacher; the school believe it would be easier especially as we were in a special program for none natives. In class there was two girls that would make fun of me calling me ugly, Hairy or monkey their comments got the other students to laugh at me and the teacher never did anything to stop it.
Being bullied at gym during my school years I decided that in high school I was going to join the JROTC. There my first year of high school was so great. No more girls making me feel like garbage in gym. I would go to lunch and sit by two friends that were sisters that took me as part of their lunch group. It was great. For 45 minutes there was only laughter.
Moving to a new school as you can see I was a great target for bullies.
Cheerleaders, the popular kids and even a kid that was bullied by the populars bullied me. she said that I was mean to her which was a lie and I would get in trouble for her lies.
Being bullied caused me to spend my lunch hour crying in the bathroom.Third year, My sister entered her freshmen year and I did everything to remember that at lunch time I would spend time with her and that I would go and come home with her on the bus and that made me happy. When I was being bullied I would just remind myself that I was hours closer to seeing my sister and going to lunch/home together. To be able to have the same lunch with her was great.. I took an extra class and I gave up my study-hall so I could get my lunch at a later time. who cared about not having study hall and having an extra class when I was able to have my sister with me during lunch.
Second-fourth year of high school: at gym I was bullied by the girls again. I was hit in the head/body with hard balls as punishment for joining their own team... I remember, The team captains would tell the other that they had the looser yesterday and it wasn't fair.
In my second year of college, I had my sister there with me again. How great.. A buddy to eat lunch with. I was so happy that I didn't care that I learn that a few people pretended to be my friend just to copy from me.. they were in bad luck as I wasn't never good at school as I would spend my time plotting how not to get bullied as a kid and young adult.
For me it has taken years to realize that there is a voice (feeling) that bugs me to think why bother? People say, Get over it (being bullied) and keep living your life, but you cant just shut up that inside voice (feeling) that is always there thinking and analizing what is happening around them just in-case as one is not confortable being there. [I want to say that I dont hear voices its just a nagging feeling of why Am I here?, why bother?, you will never make friends, lets just go home and hide]. I hate going to new places especially by myself as I hate being alone. Being close to My family or a person I know makes me feel less uncomfortable even when I know that that nagging feeling that Why Even Try? If I am always stupid and worthless..
If you know a kid or someone that is being bullied.. help them... please... kids and adults do think of suicide as the only way to relive their pain and suffering...
I say, mom can take the kid to do a fun even one time a week (minimum).. Dads also should take the his kid out one time a week (minimum) and show them a great time. Join them in ballet class if thats what they want to do.. stay there wait for them and see that they make friends.. Always be in the look out for new bullies to enter their new hobbies. I say that the child can go to therapy and talk to a person that can help them deal with what is happening at school. If you have a younger child let them join another hobby with the older child and be part of the hobby and show them how fun it is to be around family and what happens outside which can be bad can roll down their backs.
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