Friday, April 12, 2013

Grocery Shopping

When I was a kid and went shopping for groceries it would take Mom hours looking at each aisle looking for the best prices. As a kid I never thought that she was trying to save a few bucks by looking at the less expensive item to take.  I would whine "let’s go “since the moment we enter the store until we left. My sister would be so happy shopping with our Mom.  Since I remember she had a big smile while shopping with Mom. Mom would give a few coupons to the lady at the counter and we would go home walking! It wasn't far it was just 4 blocks.

When I was in high school, I was a pain in the butt when taken to buy groceries at the store. I would whine while pushing the cart and I would be the one slouching at the cart. Mom stopped using coupons which is my fault. I guess having a whiner with you during your shopping just wants you to want to leave faster.  My sister would help out while shopping and I would just stay slouching on the shopping cart.  Solution, I said "NO" when I was asked to go grocery shopping with them.

About a few years ago, My Dad does the shopping with no coupons and he goes in-an-out of the store. He is faster than my Mom but still, my bad habits are still there, I slouch at the cart while shopping.  I don’t even help at all like when I go with my Mom.  I do go and get cleaners to clean the house without being asked and I do go and get things that they ask me to like 'go pick a cereal".

There are some stores that I HATE GOING MORE and those are the ones that have vegetables/fruits as they spend their sweet time picking tomatoes, potatoes, onions, etc... I should help but I don’t know what they are going to buy it’s not like they have a grocery list... oh yeah they sometimes do! But they always take vegetables/fruits and other items that are not in the list.

When I am not with them and I am out of town with my fiancĂ©e, he likes going to the grocery store to get what we need. However, with my hate of going to the grocery store, it’s hard to get me to go so we don’t go. I have learned that when I go to buy what I want, it’s different and can get what we need and that’s it.  We go with a plan (list in our heads)... for example, hamburgers, we need to buy meat, bread carrots and toppings which are tomatoes, onions, guacamole, etc... That makes it easy to go get the things we need and its fast.

What have learned to make going to the grocery store a lot better for our kids?
1. When going with a little child sit them on the grocery cart and talk to them.
2. Give them a task to do:
If they are in the cart just tell them what you are looking for and ask them to point at it when they 'see it'. If they can walk just tell them what you are looking for and ask them to pick one. 
3. Don’t get mad when they pick the wrong item, remember that they can’t read or they are learning to read... when they understand then say 'pick the 12 oz package of cereal' until then...
Hint to them that you want the small one or the big size of the cereal.
4. When they are older give them a task to do and tell them that you will be going around the aisles. 
5. If you are going to go shopping with coupons let the kids be in charge of them. This means that you have to be prepared with what you want to buy. If they want something they can look at the coupon bag to see if it’s there, if it’s not then they can wait until its on sale and have a coupon.
Here is what a friend does: she gives her 10 year old twins six coupons to go get the item. They pick two items and they walk back to the cart, they show the coupon so she can see if they picked the right thing.  If the item is wrong from the coupon, she tells them if they want to go re-pick it for her.  They go together to get it.  This makes the shopping interesting for them as they have something to do.
When they are older you can divide the shopping list into how many people went with you and they go and get their part of the shopping list. Remind them that it’s not how fast they do it; it’s how accurate they do it.  If they do it wrong, then they have to go get it again and again until they do it right!

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Idea of buying a pet

When I am thinking of buying a puppy that is a Chihuahua or a Shih Tzu, I feel that I am betraying my family dogs.  I mean they are part of our family, But when I am out of town, for 6 to 8 months, I dont have them with me, and I do miss them. I think of my chihuahua, who by the way 10 pounds and He cant go with me on my trips as he has to stay with my parents and sis. Why he cant go? because He cant go on the belly of the plane as he can die.  The Vet told us that if he flies he has to go under our chair. His airplane ticket has always cost 150 dollars just one way.  Every time he flies its with the entire family that way we can keep an eye on him and help him out when he needs to go pee.
Last few years they have stayed home on the last few trips as dad stayed home with them.

Adopting a pet is a big responsibility and totally worth it.. We have done it a few times but I want to adopt a dog that is small in size so he or she can come with me where ever I go. Or maybe I want a big dog like a Great Dane but She/he wouldn't be able to come with me specially when I come to visit my family but I know she or he would be in great hands with my fiancee back at the house. I want to be able to have a dog to play with while I am alone out of town with my fiancée.

SELFISHNESS: I have x-small size clothes for my future doggy.. And xxx-large collar for a great dane..

oh, I keep dreaming with my eyes open.. I should just stop thinking of getting a dog and just stay like I am right now..

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Past Animals adopted or purchased

in the past we have had:
Small fishes but that was so many years ago that I dont know if I want a small fishes again.
After that we bought and adopted hamsters, one person tricked us into thinking that her pet was a hamster and it turn out to be a RAT with no tail after that I really DONT want another hamster EVER AGAIN!
We had big fishes not the size of a koi fish but they were big goldfishes.  We had to have 3 fish tanks to divide them as they were so big.  We went to the pet store and purchased a Plecostomus fish to clean the fish tanks and he/she took delivery of eating the fishes. We later learn that some Plecostomus fishes love to eat fishes. we moved him to a separate fish tank but he died as he didn't want to eat algie he just wanted LIVE FISHES. i dont want a plecostomus fish.
In my 20s we rescued a beautiful white Chihuahua, He is my little ball of joy and His smile makes me smile every day.
My dad adopted four parakeets, Laguna Beach name of female (RIP) and Angel name of male (RIP). HE was the sweetest parakeet ever.. you could pet him with no worry that he was going to do anything bad at you.. he even slept next to you. when called he would return walking to you as he never learn to fly. In the other hand His Female partner was totally the opposite she was Pure EVIL! thats why her name Laguna Beach because it sounds like... both were white with blue, she was more white than him.  The other Parakeet couple, ch'òoh name of female means BLUE in the Maya dialect as she was all blue and her mate was named Houdini. Why? because he knew how to open any window or door of any cage and fly out! I learn that my nose itches when I clean the cages so No we dont want BIRDS AGAIN!!!
A beautiful surprise came to us without looking.. Four years after getting our chihuahua, we adopted the shih tzu... She is a sweet little girl. When people meet her, they envy us as she is so kind, sweet and gentle, She never growls, or bites. I wanted her to be a therapy dog but she cant pass one part of the test and that is 'walking without a leash'.
I had a transparent small dwarf African frog. It was the last one on sale at Target and it had no food and it looked like it was dying. I was told it was going to be tiny.. however, to my surprise, not even two months later, it was big and black. After a year of having it, I started to fear it and thats why I kindly gave it away to my dads friend son that asked if he could keep the male frog to mate with his female dwarf African frog. I will never ever ever ever in a million years have another FROG!  

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tiny dogs sold - bad idea? Fraud ahead?

I am looking for a dog that is small that can be with me while I am out of town. Here is the thing, I like lots of pages in facebook where they are against puppy mills and people buying tiny dogs. They ask for people to please save a life and adopt an animal.  After weeks of looking in google I found out that I am some what a Hypocrite person, because when I accidentally found the Asian pages where they are selling tiny puppies I keep on looking at them thinking if I only had the 4,000 dollars I would buy one right now.  I even started googling to see if I could find tiny puppies here in the USA that are sold cheaper, but thats not the case. They buy them from Asia and this sellers here in the USA sell the tiny puppy for more money. This dogs can go as high as 20,000 dollars. OH I wish I was exaggerating this but I am not!   For example, I saw a bit between a few people for a tiny maltese. I saw that the bid started at 2,000 dollars and it ended at 16,000 dollars. How can someone buy a puppy at so high price? Then it came to me, People here in the United States, buy puppies that are tiny at high prices because this people are CELEBRITIES.  I mean the American Page that I was seeing, had Lots of Pictures of stars with their store bought puppies. The owner of the shop feels that it has the right to sell her tiny puppies at a higher price because celebrities are buying tiny puppies from her.  This tiny puppies are purchased outside the USA, then brought here to the USA and they make thousand of dollars in profits. This tiny digs have DNA defects and big eyes compare to normal size dogs.

In the back of my mind I am like if I find a cheap dog that is less than five pounds, I would feel that I won the lotto.  I spent 6 months looking at websites when I was out of town. I know I shouldn't buy a puppy that is less than 5 pounds but I really really want one.

That brings me to an error I almost committed. I was looking at pages where I saw a guy living close to cameroo. He said he couldn't keep his tiny male Maltese as he had no time to be with him as he worked 12 hours a day. He only wanted 300 dollars for the price of the ticket to send him to "you" in the USA. He told us of his female that was going to stay alone without his mate and we asked how much for both he said 700 dollars as it was cheaper to send two dogs at one time. He was sad but he couldn't take care of them. He said he wanted the money sent to the company that was going to ship them to show that he was legit. What the hell, this is fraud. They keep the money, the shipping company and the website are fake and they never send the animals. Please be careful to whom you buy your tiny pets from.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I been writing a few blog posts for my blog and when I finish I press delete/close.
In the middle of the post I would delete part of the post, or restart it all over again.
Why am I not able to press publish and I just delete them?
Just checked how many days I haven't posted on the blog and I ponder, is it that I have so much I want to tell or so little that I can just press delete.

I think that it would be a good Idea if I start to write and what I write just leave it in draft and publish.
I am just going to take courage and press Publish..

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Liar liar pants on fire...

Why do people take the time to write fake stories? A beautiful picture of a dog or kid that they find on the internet and they use it to write a horribly sad story.
The guy in the army that dies and his dog was put in a shelter by him and said only if he died give his dog for adoption. The person that adopted the dog posted his story and added the letter from the dead officer. The image of the dog its taken out from a magazine.
The dog that had blood and the woman that thought her dog ate/killed her child and she killed the dog by punching him. Then she sees the child safe in another area in the room and next to the blood it was a dead snake. She wrote she was sorry for her action and not to judge before seeing the entire thing.

For the soldier I cry for both dog and the dead soldier.
For the hero dog that kill a snake to protect the child from harm and he still died by the hands of his owner (woman.) I can only say I cried for the dog and I only have hate for the woman.

Here is my thing why do people write fake letters, put sad quotes on pictures.
Why write a false story about a picture in that family that he / she knows nothing about.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Recomendation Of Foods

Recommended foods by tv show today
ezekiel 4:9 by food life brand
pure coconut from Silk
egg-land's best organic
Justin's classic almond butter
Trader Joe's organic tomato and roasted red pepper soup
Applegate farm's the great organic original beef hot dog
Amy's light in sodium Indian mattar paneer
Good health natural foods avocado oil potato chips with sea salt by kettle style
Cybeles's free to eat chocolate chip cookies

Power of thinking positive

It's horrible but I am part of those people that think negative most of the day. I was self thought to be a little negative, I think it's called pessimistic but I'm not sure. When kid thinking neg about what may happen when around fam was the norm as there are a few bad seeds in the fam that their only job is to make your life miserable. I was able to stay ahead their JERK ways. But I'm older now and I believe that I can calm down and just think positive and forget those negative fam members that spend their time thinking of new ways to destroy others.
I'm going to try the positive thinking thing to see if in future I can think more positive than negative.
But I saw this television show that they did an interview to a person that suffer from cancer. She was saying that the power of positive does help.
Listening to her talk...
Here are the things I learn...
For two minutes, When you wake up the first thing you must do is say something positive and try to imagine positive things as great things that CAN happen today.
Every hour do the same thing think (imagine) more good positive things that CAN happen during that day.
Do this until it's time to go to sleep. Here for two minutes think of things that you are proud of your day. Then think of good ideas that CAN happen tomorrow.
Don't worry if negative things are happening behind while you are thinking of good things as positive thinking is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it will be to kick the butt of negative thinking and you will have more positive ideas than negative.
Step two is simple just increment your time of positive thinking to one more minute. You will see that soon you will be thinking positive one hour straight even when talking to negative people.
Remember to Add 1 min to your positive thinking until you CAN do it without being reminded that you need to take a five minute break to think positive.

In my opinion when doing 2 minutes and up, you should stop what you were doing as She said that you can take a five minute break and just think of great things, relax, and do nothing but for big numbers as when you see you CAN think positive more than 30 min do it while you work, sing, cook, washdishes, do laundry, people stop doing this because they have no time to stop and think positive things but remember if your mind is giving you negative thoughts all the time then you CAN give them a run for their money by adding your own positive ideas to the mix.

Write positive things on doors in and out, around mirrors, and im areas were you think negative things as this writings are reminders to be posotive.
Door exit: "i'm going to have a beautiful day where lots of positive things will happen."
Door enter: "I had a good day today... If Anything bad happen it can be fixed. I enter ready to keep going with a smile."

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Romaurie effect

Saw that's pond on the Internet that the person made a view for their fish where they could get out of the pond into a small square fish-tank and people could see the fishes that enter this transparent square box inside the pond.

Looking around I learn that some call it the Romaurie effect and that help a lot in the search for more answers on how it's done.

How it's done:
But a transparent glass or plastic.
See that all four sides are glued perfectly. Don't forget to glue it with aquarium glue.
Let it dry 24 hours.
Test the square put water and see if any water runs out.
When ready make 1 or 2 or 3 holes to the transparent box at the bottom so fish can enter. Don't do the holes at areas where it won't be under water.
Put it down into the aquarium.
Take a small tube as the air tube from your aquarium and blow out the air from the transparent box.
While air is leaving the box you must add more water to the aquarium.
Let the aquarium and box rest for 24 hours. Rest? Yeah, let it sit there with no fishes to see if it's done right and no water is leaving the upgraded aquarium.
Now let's add fishes..
How cool is it to see the fishes swim on the transparent box.

Remember always check your new upgrade to your aquarium once a day to check for holes where the glue is located.

Did You Know -Part 2-

here are more things that I didn't know and I wanted to share with you...

reheating bread: put a cup of water in the middle of the microwave then put the bread around it and cook, you will see that the bread will not become hard when reheating the bread.

Scaring animals out of your Garden:  put 1 cup of water with two spoonfuls of cayenne pepper. Mix and spray on the leaves of the plants. it will deter local pests such as rabbits, javelina, deer, pack rats. 

to clean the oven door: just put 1/3 cup of vinegar, 1/2 cup of water. Mix into a spray bottle.  put 1/3 cup of baking soda into the oven door. spray the mixture to the door and wait for 8 to 24 hours. the more time it has to bubble the better the oven will look.

to remove static from clothes: put a safetypin in each side of the skirt at the bottom where no one can see it. The static will be absorbed by the safety pin. This also works for shirts and jackets/coats.

 Ants and more Ants: put a little plate of cornmeal in the area where you see the ants.  You will see the ants taking the cornmeal to their queen.  The ants will eat the cornmeal and will dye as they cant digest the fiber.

Flies: give those flies something good to dye for... put 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar in a cup with 1 spoon of DAWN (dish detergent) and wait... By the end of the day you will see that there are so many flies dead specially fruit flies.

Envelope envy: to open an envelope you just have to put it in the freezer for 2 hours and then open it, take or put an item in and then when its warming down (feel the sticky side of it) close it so the glue doesn't dry out.

Wanted to wear that sexy skirt or long coat but its to windy outside? then just need to do this to 4 sides of the skirt. Put an item that is a little heavy and saw it to it. Dont put anything that is metal as it can rust and leave rust stains in your skirt.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

My First Delilah Noir

its tradition to take pictures of your first Ball Jointed Doll and I wanted all to see my first doll.

I couldn't believe it... the doll came exactly as I thought it was going to be...

She came wearing her PJ outfit and I decided to change it to her rocker outfit.
It has been three hours since she arrived to the house and she is finally in her Box waiting for her long trip to her new home. I am taking her out of town to be able to keep an eye on her.

Her booths are very soft and fragile, specially the straps in the boots. I broke a little piece, you have to look really careful to see it. 
Her Choker Collar is very fragile too, when we took the collar out of the bag the little lots (spikes) aka GEMS started to fall off.. I am now waiting to go to the store and buying special glue to re-glue them to the collar. 

I am going to Frame Her Certificate as I am really proud to have my first Ball Jointed Doll. In the future I will post more pictures of her wearing new outfits that I am planing to make for her.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Not all but many have a collection of Ball Jointed Dolls.. and a collection of barbie dolls and others have a few childhood dolls around their house.  Many a special doll that they wouldn't sell even if they were given a million dollars.

For me there are a few dolls that I have since I was a child and I will never ever give away... I would let little kids play with them. After a few had little accidents I learn that a doll that is valuable in 'sentiment' to one well, one should not let young kids play with them.

the first doll that comes to mind is a swimming doll. she swam thanks to the help of her yellow floater.  By winding her, she would just swim anywhere as long as she had her floater that got clip on her arms.  I would ask my grandfather to fill up his bathtub so my sister and I would see her swim.

During the time I had the swimming doll, I got a walking doll. I dont remember right now but I think she too got winded and she would push her stroller.  She would move her head left then she would move her right foot and take a step forwarded. She would slowly move her head to the right and she would move her left foot forward.

When in high school: both dolls at the same time had a little accident and their legs broke.  My mother put a diaper on the dolls and the diaper holds their legs together.  I have them standing up at the top of my closet.  When I decided to put them on top of my closet, I put them in a transparent bag so the dust wouldn't be damaging them.

My third toy that I remember was  an older toy than the diaper twins which was a big doll that would drink water and go potty.  I would play with her all day and I even have pictures of her feeding her real food LOL.. I dont have her now with me as she is at my grandparents home. She sits there naked waiting for me to one day keep her.  She has marker all over and her hair has been chop by kids that would go to my grandparents home and play with her

My fourth doll was a barbie: Once Upon A Time, My grandparents gave to all the grandchildren barbies. Each got a barbie and mine had an umbrella. I was so happy. Before we went home from the Christmas Party I couldn't find her.. She was naked and all her accessories were missing.. who took them? well, I know who but I dont want her to start a big argument about something she did years ago. (no it wasn't my sister as her doll ended up naked next to the stairs). My mother Crochet two beautiful outfits and Since that day they have them on and the only time the outfits were removed was to wash them. Or when my sister took them to have barbie tea time where they would sit outside their homes and anyone that had a barbie or a ken or a G.I.Joe could join the tea time with barbie.  Even kids with fake barbies would go to the barbie tea gatherings and they would play for hours.  We Had Fake Barbies and they are kept now in the famous briefcase where all the extra clothes was kept and was used on those happy barbie tea gatherings as kids.

My fifth favorite is my lil miss makeup doll from Mattel. I personally didn't know the brand they were and honestly I still dont think its this is the right brand name of the doll as ours had short hair. All I remember from this doll was that my sister got one too from Santa Clause and we would use cold water to put their makeup on and hot water to take their makeup off.  The Dolls were close to the window and when we waked up and saw that they had makeup we knew it was going to be a VERY COLD DAY.

While in High School My mom arrived with a 18" doll that was so beautiful. She looked like a little baby. I am not talking about it looked like a new born.. what I mean that it looked like a little baby.  A few years ago, We went shopping and there it was a doll that looked just like her.. she had a Z Stamp with the numbers 65-20. I purchased her for 10 dollars and when I left her on the sofa. Her hair is braided and a few weeks ago, I started looking at her back and I learn that it was a ZAPF CREATION DOLL all this from the Z STAMPED Z 65 - 2.  Will Take a picture of both of them and put them on this blog.

Now 2013.. I was looking on line to things and I found a beautiful doll that is Ball Jointed Doll.. I think she is very life like.. and one day I will own one. 

I always liked barbies so I am going to start collecting them but only from the drift store. I can buy them like 5 to 10 barbies for 10 dollars and I can re-root them, clean their face and get a little outfit for them. maybe in the future I can saw the outfit myself..

signing off for now.. sweet dreams..

Thursday, March 7, 2013


..a loving pet...

After adoptiong our Shih-tzu... we saw the true responsibility that comes with this beautiful breed.
Her hair was getting long and we took her to a groomer but it was to expensive and for the same amount of money We would spend with her on the groomers we could use that money to buy things to pamper her more as bows, toys, her winter jacket/coat. etc..


What is needed Electric or/and non-electric..
For Scissors... If your dog is scared of the noise of the SHaver machine.
1. Use "Scaredy Cut ® Silent Clipper Home Pet Grooming - for DOGS AND CATS"
You dont need to have a shaver that makes noise that would scare your pet. Honestly if they would have had this when I started grooming her, it would have been easier.
2. Use "Tiny Trim Ball Tipped Small Pet Grooming Scissor". This is great for the face, nose, eyes, ears, butt and tail. 
For shaving... If you want to shave her with a shaver, you will need 2 types of shavers..
3. BIG: "PET CLIPPER (SHAVER) KIT" this is for the entire body.. this is a normal shaver that has different size cutters that will help you cut the hair of the dog without problems. (hey dont cut her private parts as you may bleed her and you may need to take her to the vet hospital).
4. SMALL: Now WE need a tiny clipper (SHAVER) for the face, nose and paws.  Please see that he/she is calm before poking around their nose as you can hurt their eyes. NEVER USE A SHAVER INSIDE THEIR EAR.. (THE SOUND HURTS THEM).
5. only buy CAT NAIL CLIPPERS (SCISSORS). They have small nails and you dont need a big breed nail scissor to cut their nails.
6. Electric NAIL Sander.. try "PEDIPAWS" as it has a yellow cap that prevents you from cutting more than you need on the nail. WARNING DONT USE A NORMAL SANDER/GRINDER AS YOU WILL CUT THAT NAIL FASTER AND MAY CRACK THE NAIL IN TWO OR YOU CAN CUT MORE THAN NEEDED.
7. Toothbrush, dog toothpaste,
8. shampoo/conditioner for dogs.

1.dont get frustrated.. This week you do it bad but dont worry She/he loves you so much that she doesn't care if you cut her hair long and in some parts short.. its your love that counts.
2. If she/he whimper while you are doing this please calm down... its ok for her/him to feel scared. If she hates the electrical stuff just use the non-electrical items to groom her.
3. Brush dog before showering to remover any mats.
4. wipe their eyes to remove any junk around it.
5. Brush their teeth with PetzLife.
 Shave the body with the big shaver aka clipper.  while you are shaving and feel the shaver warms up please turn it off. Spray Cool off liquid to cool it down and keep using it or you can turn it off and pick up another big shaver same brand to finish shaving him/her. Always Use Your Hand to help you guide so you dont cut the dog.
  Shave feet with the small shaver (clipper). Please be careful as you touch the soft side of the skin of the paw you can make it bleed.  I use the pet clipper combs that comes with the small shaver to help me not cut her while I cut around her anal area and dont forget to hold her tail up. When shaving the face always use caution as we dont want to hurt her eyes or nose or ears or tongue.
7. Shower dog with a dog shampoo and a whitening shampoo for their nose and around mouth.  Some but not many use a conditioner but I recommend you use one.
8. Dry as much as you can with towels.. then Get someone to hold the blow dryer as it can COOK AND HURT THEIR SKIN.  Brush their hair to help it dry faster.
9.  Scissor time... with Tiny Trim Ball Tipped Small Pet Grooming Scissor go around and check if you left any extra long hair that you want to cut..
THEN with the scissors that have a ball on top of it, cut the extra hair around nose. Take your finger and put it inside their mouth (there is a gap where they dont have a tooth) and cut the hair that she/he is eating.. be careful with their tongue please!!
10. Put a bow on her hair. This is easy.
11. Take the cat nail clippers and cut their nails then take the dog nail sander and pass it until the nails don't hurt to the touch.
12. Pull few hairs at a time from inner ear.
13. Blow dry with cool air while we brushing the dog to remove any hair that is left after cutting it with the scissors.

Remember to treat lots while grooming to show her that you are happy with her...

You can do all this in stages... So you don't stress the dog.
every day or every other day: brush teeth
every day brush their hair
Every other Monday: shave feet
Every other Tuesday: cut nails and sand them so they are smooth to the touch
Every other Wednesday: shave face,
Every other Thursday: shave butt,

Every other Friday: clean ears with doggy ear cleaner
Every other Saturday: shave dog
Every other Sunday: shower dog
On the last Friday of the month: pull inner ear hair,


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Steamer take 2

Purchased the Haan a few years ago at amazon. Amazon has been a great place to buy but not this time. The Haan didnt worked. After using it on the floors it would leave a puddle of water. Tried returning it but the amazon seller told me to call Haan company to return it and the Haan company told me to contact the seller i purchased from Amazon to get money back or get another one. is the website given on the infomercial and when typed it redirects to another website that doesn't sell the x5-mop at the same price. there are 3 types of ads that you have to pick to buy the x5 mop and after looking that the one that it was advertise on television was 200+ I decided to Decline the purchase and keep looking

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

debt free

With this economy that is going deeper down the a-hole... I believe that we must do something to help ourselves.. I wanted to be able to bring ideas on what things We Can Do To Save Money!! Because we spend a lot in things we want but dont need.

COUPONS: buying with Coupon is a great idea but... watching those tv shows about 'coupon ladies' worries me, because I dont want to end up 30 to 60 hours a week looking for coupons for that 'deal'.  Saw this Coupon show that this lady purchased 1,000.00 dollars worth of groceries and at the end she just payed 2.00 dls after giving all her coupons.  She spent 30 hours a week cutting, collecting, picking up newspapers from for sale homes and doing all those thing for coupons. for more information go to

Trading Parties: so many mommie blogs talk about having trading parties where they trade clothes from their children. Some traded shoes, dresses, bags and lots more as many of us just use that Dress one time to a friends wedding or party and we never use it again. why? well!! "like oh my Gosh what happens if they see us in another picture with it again"... (the quote was just a sarcastic remark).  for more information go to

ON SALE:  I have to admit that since I was younger I am an on-sale addict. I dont like buying a shirt for full price when I can buy something similar or the same shirt for 60% to 90% off. For example, I wanted this perfume but it was to expensive about 100 dollars, when it came out.. I waited until it was on-sale for 49.99 not only it was the biggest perfume bottle but it also included 2 creams.  I was like no way! I had to have it and purchased it.

Thrift Stores: They are not my mayor cup of tea because they sell items more expensive than the brand new item when on sale.  You have to go there with your eyes wide open to see a good bargain.  My Advice is Never buy used shoes end up with stinky feet.  Also, Never Wear an Outfit without washing as your armpits will end up smelling forever if that shirt wasn't washed correctly. Do buy things like crochet/knitting blankets as they are always cheaper than buying the yarn and making them oneself.  HINT: wait for days when they have their 'big sales' as 15 dollars all you can put in a bag.

Cut Back on things not needed: how do you know what things you dont need?? for 1 month keep track of the things you buy. for example, drinks, going out to restaurants, clothes shopping,.. Now that you know what you are spending your money cut back on a few of those things or on all of them.
1. hate to say this but the trip to Starbucks and drink a late is not needed. I am sorry but its true.. we can make the coffee at home put it in a mug and take it to work. Its cheaper than buying a 5.00 dollar coffee.  I know that some people are embarrassed to take a 'mug' to work so go to Starbucks or to your favorite coffee place and buy a mug from them.. Then you can say you are 'saving' the environment.  Also if you really dont want to stop buying your expensive coffee because 'it doesn't taste the same' then ask them to put it in your own mug and many places take off about 50 cents for helping recycle.
2.If you go out to eat every day and spend 20 to 30 dollars.. put that money on a piggy bank.. At the end of the week you will see how much money you saved. Go to the grocery store and buy the items you will need that week and you can cook it. Cooking can save lots of Money.
A friend said, that HE CANT COOK even if his life depends on it.. So he cut back on eating at restaurants for breakfast, lunch and dinner. , he just went to the restaurant at night for dinner. He ate cereal in the morning.  For Lunch he took to work a big salad and a sandwich.
3. Cut back on Utilities: Many people have cable television and they are paying hundreds of dollars a month and they dont watch tv at all. Or They are paying for the best WiFi and they dont even use their computer or a tablet or ipod.  How to save on this items.. Call your cable company and tell them that you just want the basic or just cancel it all completely.  You can use your television as a monitor and watch programs that are provided free by companies as hulu. In my opinion dont pay for hulu, why? because they have commercials and those pay the company, you can just wait one more week to see the program you want to see.. it will be free soon.
4.when going out one can cut back on many things as not getting pop corn or drinks or candy at the movies. Also, there are lots of places that offer one dollar movies.. Also, Many movie theaters offer 2 for 1 in the mornings or on Wednesdays.   The Movie places that are one dollar are not just older movies that came out a month ago, they do have new movies too.. for example, My friends, my sister and I were at the premier of Hunger Games at our one dollar theater by our house..
5. Cut back on the gift giving.. for example, on Christmas, if we are a family of 4 or 12 people we dont need to be giving each other multiple gifts. Really just do a secret santa thing and one person gets one gift.. Do a limit on how much one can spend on the gift and how much is the least amount of money one can spend.
6. with the invention of cellphones we have added another bill into our lives but  why not cut back on this? If you are like my family.. each of us has a prepaid cellphone and there is one house phone.. My Hint is See what type of plans there are out there for your type of cellphone needs. I am sorry but I dont think a 10 year old needs a 60 dollar phone plan that has data, text a month. I believe that if you dont need it why have it?  While the economy is down cut back your cellphone use to emergency calls only.. by getting a 100 dollar a year plan which is a prepaid phone.. sorry but you dont need to have an ugly phone. You can have a cool phone and let people believe that you are in 'with the crowd' paying thousands of dollars a year when in reality you are just paying 100 dls a year. If you dont use the 100 dollars, it will cross over to the next year with the condition that you buy another 100 dls before the 1 year expires. OK OK lots of people need a cellphone for work.. but why? dont we have a phone at work that we can use there? On our lunch time its out darn lunch time and we dont need to be answering client calls.. they can wait 30 minutes.. and we dont get payed over time when answering our work calls on our cellphone at our lunch breaks or when we are at home.. well, if you are getting payed over time then go right ahead go crazy but for all of us that dont get payed for using our phones for work purposes... how about just use the work phone at work.  and when we come home enjoy our family and tomorrow the phone calls will be there on your work phone for you to answer and call back all those clients. DATA Coverage? really?? do we really need internet on the cellphone?? what are we rich?? buy a phone that has WIFI enable and when you are in a place that has WIFI you can take it out play with the internet and thats it..

When shopping always ask yourself this questions: Do I really need to buy those expensive shoes? Take your time... think about what you really need for that month..
how many times are you going to wear those shoes? are you going to buy them and never wear them? are you going to wear them every day until you need to buy another pair of shoes?

Do you need those 50 dollar shoes or do you think that buying groceries would be better?

how do you know that buying those 50 dollar shoes are worth it? ANALYZE IT: divide the price of the item by how much money you earn per hour.. for example, 50 dollars divided by 10 dollars an hour.. it equals to 5 hours of you working... does those shoes really worth those 5 long hours working?

BUY IN BULK/wholesale:  Unite with Family members or Friends to Buy in Bulk or Wholesale.. having a group of people that need lets say Diapers will help you look for a good online deal and get it cheaper.  Some companies even offer free shipping on large orders. good savings can be found on non-perishable groceries and diapers. then when the item arrives you can just divide the goods.
 CASH Allowance!!: Look at how much you want to give yourself as a allowance. Every week give yourself an allowance and at the end of the week the cash that you still have put in a piggy bank. At the end of the year or month you can see how much you have saved.  This is also good idea because you dont over spend as you have the cash in your hands and you can see that you are starting to run low on funds.

Creditcards: GRRR!! I know we need them but only for emergencies.. remember that only for emergencies.. and lets remember that 'shoe that are on sale' is not an emergency.

CAR: if you can take the train to work.. that would be cheaper and great for the environment. If you cant walk or take the train to work.. then car pool with your friends.. Lots of companies have programs that give goodies to people that carpool.  the hated word GAS! If can look around for cheaper gas prices.  How? there is an app for that :) really, you can find websites that people post gas prices.

The Bus Not a Taxi.. if you can avoid taking a taxi and take the bus.

HOUSE electricity: many people dont realize this but having cables plug in to the power is consuming electricity. when you are not using an appliance just disconnected. If you dont believe me, do it Only One Month and see the difference on your electrical bill.  When you are not playing the X-box, Wii, Computers, Television in guest rooms, VCRS (yes many of us still have one or two and they are still connected even if we dont use them), DVD players, CD players, Radios.. all electrical appliances in the kitchen except for the stove and or microwave as they are hard to unplug and plug again.   I have extension cords connected in the power outlets.  I turn them off when not in use.. There I plug in the thing that I need to use in that moment and disconnected when finished and turn off the extension cord.   for example, The All the Components of the Computer is connected to the extension cord.. when we finish using it we just turn off the computer and turn off the power to the extension cord.

here is one thing that I learn and I want to share with you all...
1st. write down all your bills from highest to lowest
2nd. write down how much is the minimum payment for each of the every month.
3rd. pay 50 dollars extra on the lowest bill first. that way you will pay it off faster and you can focus paying the next highest/lowest bill later.
here is the thing.. after you have checked where you can save cash take that extra cash and put it to pay that lowest bill for example..

morgage 1,500.00 a month
kohls 150.00 a month
sears 140.00 a moth
creditcard 1. 130.00 a month
creditcard 3. 115.00 a month
creditcard 2. 100.00 a month
creditcard 4. 60.00 a month
we will pay first "creditcard 4"  we will be sending the minimum payment which is 60.00 plus 50.00 dollars and any extra cash that we can save from cutting back lets say 40.00 dls
its color coded to see how it is done..
4. when we finally pay off creditcard 4.  then we focus on creditcard 2. which is 100 dollars a month.  here is the tricky thing that people dont do but should do.. send the 50 dollars extra that we were paying to creditcard4 also the extra 40 dollars that we were able to save by cutting back but here is the THING WE NEED TO DO.. add the 60 dollars that was the minimum payment for creditcard4
 its color coded to see how it is done..
5. NOW THAT WE HAVE creditcard2 payed off.. lets start adding more cash to creditcard3 when paying it.. so it will be the 115.00 a month plus the 100 dollars that was the minimum for creditcard2 and the 60 dollars that was the minimum for creditcard4 and the 50 dollars extra and the 40 dollars that we were able to save by cutting back on our expenses.
6. see? this is what we are going to do until we are at morgage and here we are going to pay the 1,5000.00 plus 695.00 dollars total that were the minimum payment from the other bills that we were paying and the extra 50 dollars and the 40 dollars that we were able to save by cutting back on expenses..
7. when you finish paying off the morgage you will see that it was just fast and simple and you wished you had this idea years ago.
**congratulations after paying off all your debt.. take all the money you were paying those bills and put them into a savings account**

Monday, March 4, 2013


There are so many things that I didn't know one could do to help one self... here are a few things I learn during my time googling, tumblr, followpics..etc..

  • When doing your nails, use Elmer's glue around your nail, let it dry, go paint your nails when finish just peel off the glue and no nail polish will be outside.
  • For Dead Skin in Your Feet and for Cracked heels.. Use having shaving cream and Listerine. Mixed both and put them on your feet, wait 1 to 5 minutes and remove the mixture.
  • To clean your pores and I recommend to do in all the face, just put Milk and Baking powder
  • to get ride of black heads: half a lemon and 3 drops of pure honey.. rub the lemon on your face and nose and any area that you have blackheads (some people have them in their backs). Wait 5 minutes and rinse with COLD WATER ONLY. MUST WASH FACE PERFECTLY.
  • Hair dandruff/itchiness: LISTERINE.  The mouthwash kills off built-up bacteria and is best used on mild dandruff or itchiness caused by shampoo or oil. Warning Do Not Use Listerine on open lesions. How to use dab or spray it on, Straight to the Root advises. Put the mouthwash in a spray bottle and apply it to your hair. Do not dilute the Listerine -- always use it full strength.
  • FOR ALL OVER BODY AND FACE: RUB Coconut Oil all over after every shower and after is said that it reduces cellulite, shrinks pores all over body and face, mends split ends, takes bags under the eyes, heals chap lips, and lengthenes eyelashes (i dont know about this one)
  • If you suffer from pain try this.. you will be making your own bar of soap..  here are the ingredients. 1/3 cup  coconut oil, 1/3 cup shea butter, cocoa butter or mango butter, 1/3 cup  beeswax (can add an extra ounce or two if you want a thicker consistency, which leaves less lotion on the skin when used), 1 tablespoon of Menthol Crystals, 10 drops Peppermint Essential Oil and 1/2 tsp Arnica Oil (optional). Add more or less menthol for a more or less potent bar. REMEMBER, THE SOAP WILL BE WARM WHEN TOUCHING YOUR BODY.. THATS WHAT ITS GOING TO HELP WITH THE PAIN.
  • FOR PETS: hair dandruff removal: 1 part vinegar, 2 part water, mix and put on pets affected area. Do this every day until the dog has no more Dandruff.. when you dont see the dandruff please do 1 to 3 times a week depending on your pet on how much it comes back and how fast.. remember this a for life treatment.
  • For Pets: Fast and Easy Remedy to kill Fleas: use Dawn... for pets that can be shower, put DAWN (dish-washing dish soap) into the water.. soak the pet into the diluted water and massage into the entire body until you see the fleas start to appear.. wait! keep massaging the diluted dawn into their fur.. you will see a second batch of fleas appear.. now rinse the pet... trash the water and repeat until you don't see fleas on the water any more.  Please be careful to lean the pet completely of the dawn diluted detergent as it can create a rash on them. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

what if.. hoarding

  As humans we get attached to objects because of sentimental value and we cant trash it.  We call it memorabilia or even worst, we have the object because ONE DAY WE WILL USE IT, NEED IT.. but we never do and when we do use it.. that gives us the 'you see, i did need it' excuse to keep holding on to more items.

   Seeing a few hours of hoarding shows I started to see that we dont start hoarding by saying, today i am going to start hoarding.  No thats not the case... people start hoarding because something happen in their life that causes them to feel that they have to hold on to an item/object for that raining day.

  Some will start earlier than that by having a parent that buys them teddy bears or a certain stuff toy that lots of us, cant give away or let go because it reminds us of our dad, mom, our dead grandparent.

  We are shown that its nice to hold on to Christmas/Birthday cards... out of respect for the person that gave it to you. the person took the time to buy the card and write a nice message on it..

  As kids, we hold on to clothes as one day they will fit us.. they have been passed down by our older brother or sister.

   Our parents have the 'lets hold to it' idea as with our baby clothes and crib and stuff like that, as one day they can have another baby. 

  How does one start 'holding to things':

 We have a gift box full of baby clothes and blankets that is brand new just for a raining occasion.  When a friend has a baby shower or when we know they are having a baby we are always ready with a baby gift.  Having only the baby outfit is not just enough. we have to have the box to put it in and the paper to put inside of it, and the wrapping paper to make the box beautiful.. oh wait! you cant give it just like that, one needs a special greeting card that lets the person know that you took the time.

  Soon, we started accumulating bags of brand new toys.. When we saw stuff toys on sale we would purchase them.  Seeing a little kid smile when given a stuff toy triggered my compulsion into buying lots and lots of stuff toys.. We now have so many stuff toys that my parents had to put them in plastic boxes and put into the garage as there are was no more space in the storage room... 

Now... The kids are no kids any more they are adults.

  We stop buying baby clothes, blankets, and toys but the boxes and bags are still here.. waiting for that one day to be given... but why can we donate them? I always wait and think there is someone we can give this items too or we can sale them online.

I buy things on-sale and I think that "I can sell them online" but I never do and I never give them as presents...  Things break in the storage room waiting for a what if!! but what if never comes....

If I hold to things from the past...
I keep movie tickets of when I went someplace with a friend or a family member or a love one.. I tried trashing them but I haven't been able to trash them all.  How can I give/sell/trash bigger things if I cant do it with tickets.