Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hints for when your newborn is home...

When I learn I was pregnant I knew nothing was going to be the same...

After having my son and having A few problems with breastfeeding I learn that there are a few things one should know before having their baby.

1. Before having your baby find out who is going to help you out.
2. Talk about your wishes after your newborn. Meaning tell people what you want them to do. 
PRINT "a baby rule book by you"
-Write how you want your newborn to be feed as by bottle or by your milk only.
-Do you want them to wake you up to feed the baby or do you want them to bottle feed him until you wake up.
-What do expect from people that come to visit.
-What do you expect from people that volunteer to take care of your newborn and/or you. 
-Do you want music on all day or most of the day or do you want the music only on during the night.
-24 hour day: 
  +how much time do you want for yourself to sleep.
  +How much time do you want for yourself as to shower. (a nurse told me to take four (15 minute) breaks during the day to take care of oneself..
-Baby laundry: do you want to only do it yourself or is it ok for others to do it for you when you and the baby are taking a power nap.
-PRINT important info you want volunteers and visitors to know as:
  +Sorry No cofffee as I can't as I'm breastfeeding and put it on the coffee machine.
  +wash your hands before touching my newborn.
  +I gave birth to a baby not the vacuum cleaner; I will clean the house when he is 6 months old OR when we both can sleep 6 hours in a row.
  +I gave birth to a baby of course I'm emotional. It's called 40 days!! Deal with it!

To breastfeed or not

Fast forward and my son was born was early.  I couldn't get him to latch to me to eat so the nurses bottle feed him.  I asked for help to the lactation nurse. I even begged her to help me. She didn't care. She even told me she had another mother she had to help and to hurry up.  The last day there her suppervisor came and told us that our lactating nurse was out for lunch but she was going to be back before I left the hospital at 12 pm. She came about 2 pm hopping we weren't there or that we didn't need her any more as we were waiting to be discharged. With a bad attitude she came with a manual pump and told me to pump for 10 min each and to call her when I finished so they could give it to my son. When she came we saw a look at the time we didn't know why but now I do it's that it was to late and I was giving out milk and not the first "colostral" that he should drink at birth.
Days later my son and I were still trying to get him to drink from my breast with no positive results. He used me as "pacifier" but he didn't drink from me. 
Later he got bored of me being the pacifier and didn't even allow me to put my breast in his mouth.
My mother came days later to help me to get him to take me. By then my big size C breast had become smaller than size A. Telling you it hurt to see that what I had gain in my pregnancy I had lost because of the lack of breast feeding and Ironic because I was trying my hardest and I was failing.
A month had passed and he finally accepted me. It has horrible the screams and the crying of him because he didn't want to drink from me as he wanted the bottle.
Now that he accepted me, I see that I only had table spoons of milk not enough to fill his tommy which we had gotten him  used to drinking 2 oz every hours. 
I went to doctors for help. My general doctor told me "either he eats or he eats" there are no magic pill to get more milk the more he drinks the more you will make.
His doctor saw my sadness and willingness to fight for the right to breast feed him that she gave me a medication that made feel like I was on Fire. I took it all 7 days. I tolerated being cook alive inside out. My breast size return to normal size A. Happy to have seen them get a little bigger got me to have hope.

My FAULT!! I get it!! 

I'm not blaming anyone. I knowing that when my son was going to be two months I was going to return home to my husband so I let my family have him part of the day. 

Also I would be the night shift so I would sleep most of the day and i would be in silence with him at night. I wouldn't make a noise so no one would be bother and I wake up someone in the house. So I would wake up rush to the kitchen with him in my arms and make his milk and give it to him while I walked back to the room.

Well, I thought I was going to leave at the end of his second month so letting them have a little more time with him aas my way of making up that he wasn't going to be with them later on so I would not ask for Him to breastfeed him so when he cried I would get up and give them his bottle. 
A month passed: When I found out the news that he had to stay for longer than i thought. Oh crap!! I made a mistake and my dentist showed it to me as she got me to realize that I needed to breastfeed him more often even that tablespoon that came out of me.  All that week I breastfeed him as much as I could. I took a stand and asked for him to breastfeed him. 
Another excuse!! 
My tooth hurt so I started taking Advil every 6 hours and for 10 days I took medication to reduce the infection. A two days from taking this medication my son started to regect me to the point he didn't want to breastfeed. He would make an ewww face and make a gag noise after tasting my milk. It was decided not to give him breast milk for the 7 days + 2 to get the medication out of my system. BIG MISTAKE!!
Now he doesn't even want to be next to me because im trying to breastfeed him. 
The sad question I must answer is what am I doing wrong that he doesn't want to drink breast milk?
Should I stop trying to make him drink breast milk?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Silence is not golden!!!

I know when he was born I would put him in my chest and let him sleep there as that was the only way to get him to sleep. He would spend hours well as much as I could keep myself awake. Little by little I stop letting him sleep like that as one time I feel a sleep and I got so worried that I would accidentally drop him see I saw a video of shaking syndrome and that made me a worry.
I knew I was silent and when I was a wake I was so a costume of not talking at night that I wouldn't talk a lot to him in the day. 
When I was told what I was doing I cried for days as I didn't do it on purpose. I do talk to him now at night as much as I can as I want him to know that I love him

I found out I was pregnant...

I found out the greatest news of my life...
I was pregnant. With lots of joy We prepared for the arrival of my first baby. Being pregnant want easy... I want able to eat lots of food as chicken, tomatoes, onions, dairy, oranges, and many more.
With long talk my partner and I decided that I should move with my parents. They wanted to see of being in a new environment I would eat other things beside the only 4 things I ate daily that we're the only thing I could eat. And to drink I couldn't tolerate soft drinks and there was a time I hated the taste of water. It felt as I was drinking soap. I would force drinking it for the sake of my unborn baby. I would put lemon to make the soap taste but that stop working. That's when my parents and my husband decided that I should move with them. I flew to be with my partners and sister. My husband couldn't travel with me so he stayed.